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tctl version-next command modifiers reference

Modifiers change the behavior of the command.


Specify the name of the active Temporal ClusterLink preview iconWhat is a Temporal Cluster?

A Temporal Cluster is the Temporal Server paired with persistence.

Learn more when registering a NamespaceLink preview iconWhat is a Namespace?

A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform

Learn more. This value changes for Global Namespaces when a failover occurs.


Specify the Activity IdLink preview iconWhat is an Activity Id?

A unique identifier for an Activity Execution.

Learn more of an Activity ExecutionLink preview iconWhat is an Activity Execution?

An Activity Execution is the full chain of Activity Task Executions.

Learn more to execute a command on.


This is an experimental feature.

List archived Workflow Executions.


Specify a list of Temporal ClustersLink preview iconWhat is a Temporal Cluster?

A Temporal Cluster is the Temporal Server paired with persistence.

Learn more when registering a Namespace.

The flag contains a single name of a Cluster to which the Namespace can fail over. For multiple Clusters pass each in a separate --cluster option. Make sure to include to the currently active Cluster. This is a read-only setting and cannot be changed.

This modifier is valid only when the --global modifier is set to true.


Specify a Cron ScheduleLink preview iconWhat is a Temporal Cron Job?

A Temporal Cron Job is the series of Workflow Executions that occur when a Cron Schedule is provided in the call to spawn a Workflow Execution.

Learn more.


Specify data for a NamespaceLink preview iconWhat is a Namespace?

A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform

Learn more in the form of key-value pairs (such as k1:v1,k2:v2,k3:v3).


Specify a description when registering a NamespaceLink preview iconWhat is a Namespace?

A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform

Learn more.


Specify details of the reason for failing an Activity ExecutionLink preview iconWhat is an Activity Execution?

An Activity Execution is the full chain of Activity Task Executions.

Learn more.


Simulate a reset without resetting any Workflow Executions. Output is logged to stdout.


Specify the email address of the NamespaceLink preview iconWhat is a Namespace?

A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform

Learn more owner.


Specify the eventId of any event after WorkflowTaskStarted to which you want to reset. Valid values are WorkflowTaskCompleted, WorkflowTaskFailed, and WorkflowTaskTimeout.


Provide an input file that specifies Workflow Executions to exclude from resetting.

Each line contains one Workflow IdLink preview iconWhat is a Workflow Id?

A Workflow Id is a customizable, application-level identifier for a Workflow Execution that is unique to an Open Workflow Execution within a Namespace.

Learn more.


Specify the Start-To-Close TimeoutLink preview iconWhat is a Start-To-Close Timeout?

A Start-To-Close Timeout is the maximum time allowed for a single Activity Task Execution.

Learn more of the Workflow Execution in seconds. The default value is 0.


Customize the fields to print. Set to 'long' to automatically print more of the main fields.


Follows the progress of a Workflow Execution.


Specifies whether a NamespaceLink preview iconWhat is a Namespace?

A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform

Learn more is a Global NamespaceLink preview iconWhat is a Global Namespace?

A Global Namespace is a Namespace that exists across Clusters when Multi-Cluster Replication is set up.

Learn more. When enabled, it controls the creation of replication tasks on updates allowing the state to be replicated across Clusters. This is a read-only setting and cannot be changed.


Set the state of ArchivalLink preview iconWhat is Archival?

Archival is a feature that automatically backs up Event Histories from Temporal Cluster persistence to a custom blob store after the Closed Workflow Execution retention period is reached.

Learn more. Valid values are disabled and enabled.


Specify the URI for ArchivalLink preview iconWhat is Archival?

Archival is a feature that automatically backs up Event Histories from Temporal Cluster persistence to a custom blob store after the Closed Workflow Execution retention period is reached.

Learn more. The URI cannot be changed after Archival is first enabled.


Specify the identity of the operator when using tctl to fail an Activity ExecutionLink preview iconWhat is an Activity Execution?

An Activity Execution is the full chain of Activity Task Executions.

Learn more.


Specify a Workflow Id Reuse PolicyLink preview iconWhat is a Workflow Id Reuse Policy?

A Workflow Id Reuse Policy determines whether a Workflow Execution is allowed to spawn with a particular Workflow Id, if that Workflow Id has been used with a previous, and now Closed, Workflow Execution.

Learn more. Configure if the same Workflow IdLink preview iconWhat is a Workflow Id?

A Workflow Id is a customizable, application-level identifier for a Workflow Execution that is unique to an Open Workflow Execution within a Namespace.

Learn more is allowed for use in new Workflow Executions.

Values: AllowDuplicate, AllowDuplicateFailedOnly, RejectDuplicate


tctl workflow <command> --id-reuse-policy AllowDuplicate
tctl workflow <command> --id-reuse-policy AllowDuplicateFailedOnly
tctl workflow <command> --id-reuse-policy RejectDuplicate


Pass input for the Workflow from a JSON file. For multiple JSON objects, concatenate them and use spaces or newline characters as separators. Input from the command line overwrites input from the file.


Specify the number of goroutines to run in parallel. Each goroutine processes one line for every second. The default is 1.


Pass input for the Workflow. Input must be in JSON format. For multiple JSON objects, pass each in a separate --input option. Use null for null values.


Required modifier

Specify the job ID of a batch job.


Sets the number of items to print.


Specify the maximum length for each attribute field. The default value is 500.


Pass a memo in the format key=value.

A memo is information in JSON format that can be shown when the Workflow is listed. For multiple memos, pass each in a separate --memo modifier.


Pass a memo from a file, where each line follows the format key=value. Use valid JSON formats for values.


Specify the name of a SignalLink preview iconWhat is a Signal?

A Signal is an asynchronous request to a Workflow Execution.

Learn more.


Specify a Namespace hosted on Temporal Cloud. If not specified, the value of the environment variable $TEMPORAL_CLOUD_NAMESPACE is used.


Disables the interactive pager.


Indicate that a Workflow Execution should be reset only if its last event is WorkflowTaskFailed with a non-deterministic error.


Serialize an Event to a file.


Specifies the format for printed output.

Values: table, json, card


Specifies the pager to use.

Values: less, more, favoritePager..[$PAGER]


Specify the maximum number of batch jobs to list on a page. The default value is 30.


Required modifier

The --query flag is supported only when Advanced VisibilityLink preview iconWhat is Advanced Visibility?

Advanced Visibility, within the Temporal Platform, is the subsystem and APIs that enable the listing, filtering, and sorting of Workflow Executions through an SQL-like query syntax.

Learn more is configured with the Cluster.

Specify an SQL-like query of Search AttributesLink preview iconWhat is a Search Attribute?

A Search Attribute is an indexed name used in List Filters to filter a list of Workflow Executions that have the Search Attribute in their metadata.

Learn more.

Using the --query option causes tctl to ignore all other filter options, including open, earliest-time, latest-time, workflow-id, and workflow-type.

Alias: --q


Print properties exactly as they are stored.


Specify a reason for terminating the Workflow Execution.


Reject Queries based on Workflow state. Valid values are not-open and not-completed-cleanly.


Specify the binary checksum when using --reset-type BadBinary.


Show only events that are eligible for reset.


Specify the types of events to reapply after the reset point. Valid values are All, Signal, and None. The default is All.


tctl workflow <command> --reset-reapply-type <value>


Specify the event type to which you want to reset.

FirstWorkflowTaskReset to the beginning of the Event History.
LastWorkflowTaskReset to the end of the Event History.
LastContinuedAsNewReset to the end of the Event History for the previous Run.
BadBinaryReset to the point where a bad binary was used.


Specify the result of an Activity ExecutionLink preview iconWhat is an Activity Execution?

An Activity Execution is the full chain of Activity Task Executions.

Learn more when using tctl to complete the Activity Execution.


Set the Retention Period for the NamespaceLink preview iconWhat is a Namespace?

A Namespace is a unit of isolation within the Temporal Platform

Learn more.

The Retention Period applies to Closed Workflow Executions.


Specify RPS of processing. The default value is 50.


Show the History of a Workflow Execution by specifying a Run IdLink preview iconWhat is a Run Id?

A Run Id is a globally unique, platform-level identifier for a Workflow Execution.

Learn more.

Alias: --r


Single Workflow Run timeout, in seconds.


Pass a Search Attribute in the format key=value. For multiple values, pass each in a separate --search-attribute modifier.

To list valid keys, use the tctl search-attribute list command.


Specify the name of a SignalLink preview iconWhat is a Signal?

A Signal is an asynchronous request to a Workflow Execution.

Learn more.


Indicate that a Workflow Execution should be skipped if the base Run is not the current Run.


Indicate that a Workflow Execution should be skipped if the current Run is open for the same Workflow IdLink preview iconWhat is a Workflow Id?

A Workflow Id is a customizable, application-level identifier for a Workflow Execution that is unique to an Open Workflow Execution within a Namespace.

Learn more as the base Run.


Specify the type of a Task QueueLink preview iconWhat is a Task Queue?

A Task Queue is a first-in, first-out queue that a Worker Process polls for Tasks.

Learn more. The type can be workflow or activity. The default is workflow.


Specify a Task QueueLink preview iconWhat is a Task Queue?

A Task Queue is a first-in, first-out queue that a Worker Process polls for Tasks.

Learn more.

Alias: --t


Specify the Start-To-Close Timeout of the Workflow TaskLink preview iconWhat is a Workflow Task?

A Workflow Task is a Task that contains the context needed to make progress with a Workflow Execution.

Learn more in seconds. The default value is 10.


Specifies the format for time values.

Values: relative, iso, raw


Specify the name of a Workflow TypeLink preview iconWhat is a Workflow Type?

A Workflow Type is a name that maps to a Workflow Definition.

Learn more. Specity the type of Query to send.


Set the visibility state for ArchivalLink preview iconWhat is Archival?

Archival is a feature that automatically backs up Event Histories from Temporal Cluster persistence to a custom blob store after the Closed Workflow Execution retention period is reached.

Learn more. Valid values are disabled and enabled.


Specify the visibility URI for ArchivalLink preview iconWhat is Archival?

Archival is a feature that automatically backs up Event Histories from Temporal Cluster persistence to a custom blob store after the Closed Workflow Execution retention period is reached.

Learn more. The URI cannot be changed after Archival is first enabled.


This modifier is required.

Show the History of a Workflow Execution by specifying a Workflow IdLink preview iconWhat is a Workflow Id?

A Workflow Id is a customizable, application-level identifier for a Workflow Execution that is unique to an Open Workflow Execution within a Namespace.

Learn more.


Use the --yes modifier to automatically confirm all prompts.

Alias: --y